
And So It Ends



I tried downloading the software on and, but the ActiveX software would not download. I found this to be very frustrating, that the sites I try to visit would not run and every podcast site I tried to open failed.

I finally was able to pull up one of the podcast, and I see how the library could use this in the library, in order to help someone learn how to use a new program the library has to offer and for patrons who just need a quick step-by-step on setting up an email account. I would use this to record stories for my son to listen to, because we sometimes make up stories and I do not remember them later, so this would be a good way of recording and maybe others would be able to enjoy them as well. This was nice despite some frustration with two quests; I have enjoyed this Tech Trek


Part One You Tube

I like to visit YouTube every now and then, in order view different comedians I don’t get to see, unless I go to my sister’s house to watch cable:( When I searched on You Tube, I found an old TV show Richard Pryor had it was a skit show like todays shows. I do think YouTube is one way to get information out about the library and all of the wonderful programs that exist. I also visited Google video and searched there. I liked it a little better than Youtube search, it brought up clips closer to what I was looking for.

When I saw this one I just loved it, I thought of my son and how the simplest thing makes him laugh. Enjoy.


Online Apps!

I tackled this quest and was able to post a document online, but I could not post it to my blog and seeing how it looks on other people bolgs I prefer to have it as a link on my blog instead. I would need to play around on with this more in oder to work it like Microsoft Here is a link to the document.


Wiki Wiki

I rarely use wikipedia, after I found out that the information was not guaranteed. When I do use the information, I double check to make sure it is correct.

I did find the Bull Run Library Wiki site interesting. I was drawn to the Search on the web section and went to the link What song was Number One on the day you were born and Math Resource.

I may set up a page soon.

Social networking

I am already familiar with most of the social networking sites and have an account through MYSPACE. The main feature I like about MYSPACE is being able to decide who views my page, so only my friends who I accept or invite can look at my page. I do not place to much personal information about myself on the internet for anyone to spy.

Social networking has been a way for me to keep in touch with family I do not get to see on a regular basic.

It is wonderful that libraries are taking advantage of this to promote themselves and their services.

My Photo Pick

I love fall weather and I would like to take a trip to Maine, so this picture covers both of my desires.

This is a link to the photo I picked.

Here is the summery that came with the picture.

While visiting T's family in the Boston area, we had to spend a few days at their cabin in northwestern Maine. I'd never been to New Hampshire or Maine, and only Vermont in passing. Apparently we hit the fall color time just right, and it is extra colorful this year. Lucky me! I took bazillion photos, which should take a while to go through and upload, but here's a start. This is the road just outside the cabin, Dead River Road, near the town of Stratton, Flagstaff Lake, Maine.

Uploaded on October 6, 2006
By pfly



When I went to Technorati's Advanced Search and searched in keyword search, there were over one thousand links to browse through. Tag Search brought up much less, but it looked similar to keyword search. Blog directory gave about the same as tag search, but it was displayed differently and easier to browse through to find someone’s blog.


Down Right Del. icio. us

I like this, especially that I have a lot of sites I like to visit. With bloglines, a lot of sites I visited did not have RSS feed, so it was nice but not very helpful in the end. With it is so convenient, and once I get the hang of adding the right tags it will be even better. Thanks Tech Trek 2.0! :)

Check out my work in progress.



Some sites I’ve enjoyed visiting do not have RSS feeds, but the one’s that do, I’ve added them to my account. I sometimes will save sites on a computer at work and when I need to get to that computer it is being used, so this is great and I will take full advantage of Bloglines.

Jump right into my Bloglines account


Meeboooooo :)

I like this! This is a site you should try using when IMing friends who donot use your same user. MEEBO.


IM Trip

My nephew is over in Afghanistan and with IMing we are able to communicate with him day-to-day. I found if you do not have much to say to someone then IMing is not the way to go.

I went to it helped me when IMing my niece. She types these abbreviations I sometimes have no idea what they mean, but now I type as crazy as she does.



Hardest 7 and 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

After setting my goals, I sometimes run into problems and get really stress. I stress myself out dealing with the problem and when it's over I usually realize it was not that bad. I will always say I'm not going to stress myself out again, but when another problem arises I go into stress mode.

Easiest 7 and 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

The easiest lifelong learning habit for me, is to begin with the end in mind. I know where I would like to be, goals I would like to accomplish and what I need to get there.


Here I go.

Hello to everyone in blog land.